Germany's Stahl explosion-proof wire rope hoists are among the safest hoists on the market for chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries, food processing industries as well as power supply, shipbuilding, marine gas liquefaction and natural gas.
Safety from the global market leader of the explosion-proof equipment of the German company Stahl, including elevators, electric motors, gearboxes and other products of the best global brands, are used in high-risk environments. Electric wire rope and chain hoists from Stahl Germany are among the safest. The elevators are for chemical, petrochemical, oil, gas, refineries, paint factories, hazardous gas and dust environments, etc. All the components of Stahl's German explosion-proof electric chain hoists are made by this company in Germany and provide complete protection against explosion or ignition with high quality. For the protection of mechanical and electrical explosion in a natural way. The international specialist in explosion-proof crane technology. Stahl explosion-proof wire rope and electric chain hoists can be used for explosion-proof environments 1, 2, 21 and 22 according to ATEX and IECEx in certified design quality. All available equipments have been designed in an explosion-proof design with maximum safety